Don’t waste your time! Create one thousand articles with a simple click of a button today!

As a freelance writer, some of my least favorite projects are those where the client wants me to rewrite an existing article. I have since learned "the truth about this type of statement, "It only involves a little editing, "which in fact means, "You'll have to rewrite the whole article so that it makes sense"! My advice to you is, simply be independent! Have you ever tried to determine in advance how much "editing" you have to do? If you agree with that, then be prepared to initiate a waste of time in the never-ending "rewrite article" process, which will even not pay for itself, because after all you are not a machine!

Here you may ask, "How can I be independent, when I lose my entire time to write and rewrite article after article?"… and you will be right! But what if there was a real solution that can save you tons of time and give you hundreds of articles in a matter of minutes? Would you want to know what the alternatives in all this are? OK, I will tell you! The alternative is Magic Article Rewriter and costs only $47!

Yes, $47 will after that return you hundreds if not thousands in a matter of weeks or only several months! Not to mention that during that time, you won't have to waste your days to rewrite article after article and article after article till you fade out!

What are the powerful features of Magic Article Rewriter?

The first is the user-friendly interface. You will be impressed, just as I was when I saw it and worked with it! The second great feature is that you have a large database of a thesaurus dictionary and at least 5-10 synonyms for every single word that you will put in the spinner! However, this is not the greatest feature yet!

The greatest feature is that you have to functions, called "Save Token" and "Apply Token"! This means that after you have created a certain combination of synonyms, you can save them into the database, and then with the click of a button, tokens will be applied automatically! This means that the more you work with the software, the more intelligent and effective it gets!

You think that this is the coolest feature? Oh, no… wait, there's even much more!

You can not only spin words, sentences and whole paragraphs, but you can also purchase the special Magic Tokens Database, which has over 12000 word combinations and word phrases, formulated in a way that will give you at least 30% automatic spun of your article and the output will always have perfect sense! Not to mention that 30% spun is almost certainly to even pass the Copyscape test! This means that with the click of a button, you get unique, Copyscape passed content! Imagine if today you have the time to click that button 1000 times… you can get several thousand articles in one day only! Now, how do you see that? Can you see the unlimited potential that grows with every minute passed? If you do, then don't waste your time anymore and order this amazing software today!

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